Now the Fun Begins!

When our moving container arrived, we learned that it could not be dropped outside the barn door as we had hoped. My first reaction was, “Ugh, we just spent the past week making space in the barn and now we need to start over in the shed.” Thank goodness we did all the work in the barn so there would be space for the stuff in the shed. We quickly turned our attention to the daunting amount of clutter and ancient, giant, trunks filled with vermin-infested books, paperwork, clothing, toys, dishes, glassware, and more “treasures” from several generations.

We moved everything out of the shed and into the barn, and began emptying our belongings from the container, which is pretty much equal to the size of the dumpster we just filled (the realization that we could have saved ourselves a lot of time and effort was not lost on either of us…).

 For the next month, we’ll be sorting through all the items we just crammed into boxes in St. Louis, and trying to figure out where to put it all. We’ve moved into a fully-furnished home that doesn’t need a single thing. What were we thinking?

3 thoughts on “Now the Fun Begins!”

  1. Laura and I miss you guys! Love the website. Be safe and have fun! Getting ready to build that brewery in Pittsfield MA. How far is that from your place in NH?

  2. “What were we thinking?”
    You weren’t! Haha!
    In the midst of throwing your lives up in the air and trusting that they will land enjoyably, thinking seems unreasonable.

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