The three cats did not enjoy the two stops along the way to New Hampshire, being shuffled into and out of the crates, into and out of the car, suffering long drives, only to be introduced to a strange new place before doing it again the next morning. They didn’t get to enjoy the beers and pizza at Mile Wide Brewing in Louisville, or the shish kebab dinner and pontoon boat rides on the lake with cousins in Indiana. They didn’t even get to enjoy the road snacks on our 13 hour drive. But now they are enjoying days of freedom and exploration at the house in New Hampshire.
We’re sleeping in twin beds in the guest room until our bed arrives and we can rearrange. Astro and Betty discovered the delight of leaping from bed to bed, while old man Tito paces the floors, no longer able to make the jump onto the bed, much less across the gaping chasm from one to the other. Just knowing we don’t have to pack it all up again and get on the road in the morning makes for better sleep than we’ve had in months.

We’ve hired a dumpster so we can empty the barn of the many years of broken furniture, mildewed papers, and critter-eaten junk before loading our own belongings in. Having the dumpster alongside the PODS container offers the tempting possibility of further reducing our load, which will probably just be fodder for another dumpster down the road. Sigh…

We haven’t made the name change from The Guest Room to Stephen and Sara’s Room yet, as we intend to leave it empty of most of our things when we move onto the boat. This shouldn’t be terribly difficult in this room since the two closets are only a foot deep, as was the standard when the house was built in 1763. One has racks for hangers, which were filled with clothes from the past; the other has shelves, which are loaded with more relics from times gone by–old books, crocheted bedspreads, baby pillows and the like.
The single dresser has little available space and is going to require an act of magic to fit the few things we brought on the drive, much less the rest that we shipped on the container, which arrives soon.

Hi you two! That’s looks like so much work. I hope other family members are joining in the clear-out the chaos party!