PlastiDip! We love that stuff and used it in various applications at the brewery. Maybe we can find a use for it on the boat. We're visiting lots of chandleries to find the innumerable items we'll need to purchase for Sorella.

March 29, 2023

It’s hard to believe we’ve been here a month already, with the same projected splash date–in a week or two. Things are certainly coming along, but the photos and videos won’t really show the progress since everything is still covered in the protective blue plastic and plywood or cardboard. Some of you may be interested in seeing more wires sticking out of holes, but we guess most of you will barely notice a difference.

Climb aboard!
Here's a pallet with our anchor and rode (what connects the anchor to the boat). Ours is comprised of half chain and half rope, or line. Pro tip: there are very few "ropes" on a boat (including your soap-on-a-rope), and you'll be safer just calling everything a "line" if you don't know a "sheet" from a "painter" or "springline", etc.
We're going to need some of these!
I think I know who that errant glove belongs to...
Fourth Choice? Corian Argentina has a stupid sense of humor. Why do they even offer choices? Just go ahead send whatever you have. 🙄 We don't even remember which color we're on for the bathroom counters now. #surprise!
We're learning to fit in with the local culture. Why didn't we know about Yerba Mate before? It's not like this centuries-old tradition is rare--it's EVERYWHERE. We could write an entire blog on it, but you'd do better to get your info from Tio Google, because we're new here. Is anyone else familiar with Yerba? Here's a good website where you can learn more:
Tito practicing for boat life.
Betty practicing for boat life.
Astro practicing for boat life.

Don’t forget to check our social media sites for videos!